
1. Copyright
Did you credit the source as generated by generative AI when using its output?

2. Infringement of Rights
Did you avoid using text, audio, images, or other content that could infringe on the rights of others while using generative AI?

3. Defamation
Did you ensure that the input questions or information to generative AI do not include content that could defame or discriminate against a specific person?

4. Hate Speech
Did you verify that the information provided by generative AI does not contain content that criticizes or expresses unilateral hatred towards individuals, institutions, or specific targets?

5. Information Leakage
Did you refrain from providing sensitive information such as personal data or corporate secrets to obtain information or create content using generative AI?

6. Disinformation
Did you avoid intentionally inputting inaccurate or manipulated information to create fake news, spam, or other misleading content using generative AI?

7. Bias in Information
Did you check that the information provided by generative AI does not contain biased content leaning towards one side?

8. Hallucination
Did you cross-check the information provided by generative AI to ensure accuracy, keeping in mind that not all provided information may be correct?

9. Misuse
Did you use generative AI as a supplementary tool after thoroughly thinking and deliberating, rather than relying solely on its convenience?

10. Creativity
Did you productively utilize the output provided by generative AI by reinterpreting it or adding your own thoughts and ideas, rather than using it as-is?