
Home Konan LLM

Why you should opt
Konan LLM

Spending a lot of work hours on report generation?
Hesitating to adopt a LLM due to high costs?
Experience the amazing world of AI with Konan LLM,
offering outstanding performance and reasonable costs.

Konan LLM is a Large Language Model developed in-house by Konan Technology.
Konan Technology optimized for super-large AI training, it leverages high-quality,
large-scale data and over 20 years of expertise in natural language processing.
Konan LLM supports all corporate documentation and creative tasks,
leading the way in workplace innovation.

Video - In-house developed large language model, Konan LLM.


Benefit 01.

Enhanced efficiency in document processing

Konan LLM not only generates documents but also provides automated charts, summaries, reference materials, and Q&A support. This significantly reduces the time and cost spent on document creation, greatly enhancing work productivity. Konan LLM not only generates documents but also provides automated charts, summaries, reference materials, and Q&A support. This significantly reduces the time and cost spent on document creation, greatly enhancing work productivity.

Benefit 02.

Robust security

Konan LLM is a B2B and B2G-oriented Large Language Model provided on-premises, ensuring a robust security system that completely prevents the leakage of corporate secrets or data.

Benefit 03.

High-level document reliability

Konan LLM, developed by Konan Technology, utilizes RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) technology based on 'Kona Search,' their top-tier domestic vector search engine. This approach prevents hallucinatory phenomena, thereby enhancing the quality of answers and the reliability of documents.

Benefit 03.

Easy and convenient management

Konan LLM supports easy and simple fine-tuning and additional learning through a dedicated LLM Studio for enterprises, enabling even non-specialists and practitioners to quickly and easily apply it to their work.

Benefit 03.

Rigorous access control management

Konan LLM ensures the prevention of internal corporate security incidents through high-level viewing permission control, establishing a thorough access control environment.


Introducing three unique features exclusive to Konan LLM.

Largest number of training tokens domestically

  • Since 2007, via the real-time AI analysis service pulseK, over 20.5 billion pieces of data have been independently secured.
  • Among them, only 2 billion high-quality, large-scale data pieces have been used for training.
  • Implemented with overwhelming training tokens and optimal parameter combinations, using advanced preprocessing techniques from a group of experts in natural language processing.

Top-tier domestic vector search integration

  • Offers specialized high-end search technology for searching over 1 billion entries, using a unique domestically developed disk-based vector search technology.
  • Provides context to the LLM with real-time vector-based document indexing and search capabilities, enabling the generation of optimal answers.
  • Supports RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) to control information returned based on user permissions and manage viewing and access privileges.

Maximizing work productivity with document-specific fine-tuning

  • From drafting documents to automatic summarization, chart creation, real-time Q&A, and document proofreading, all in one-stop
  • With the external document attachment feature and the provision of reference documents, enhance the basis for response and prevent hallucination.
  • Easily generate lengthy documents of over 4,000 characters with just a simple prompt.

The reasons why Konan LLM excels in document processing

Document-related tasks are essential for any company and often require a significant amount of time and resources.
Konan LLM supports all language-based tasks, from generating document and report drafts
to assisting in business decision-making, handling customer inquiries, and marketing.
Utimately allows people to focus on more critical tasks.

Provides convenience by providing a variety of templates

Support for optimal answer generation with template-specific prompt configuration

Improve document completion with real-time document attachment and calibration

Accelerate delivery of key content with automatic summary capabilities

Attach documents to supplement your answer basis

Increase reliability by providing references

Video - Demonstration video for drafting official documents, proofreading, and RAG-based question and answer services.


Konan LLM addresses the demand for digital transformation in businesses wherever data exists.
Through internal data augmentation and optimal fine-tuning, it enables the creation of a customized LLM for each company, providing innovative momentum for improved business productivity.

Document/Report Generation

  • Application example
    Draft documents ranging from technical trend reports to travel plans, etc
  • Expected effect
    Increase work productivity and reduce time costs

Document review detection

  • Application example
    Review when making a contract and detect unfair provisions, etc
  • Expected effect
    Risk Prevention and Response


  • Application example
    Accurately understanding user intent and providing the most relevant information-based response
  • Expected effect
    Time-saving in responses and improving customer satisfaction

Real-time customer query response

  • Application example
    Real-time search and response generation for insurance policy terms and product inquiries in a customer service center (AICC)
  • Expected effect
    Reduce response time and improve customer satisfaction

Leveraging customer consultation-based marketing

  • Application example
    Identifying customer interests based on consultation content and generating follow-up sales scenarios and recommended phrases, among other things
  • Expected effect
    Personalized marketing support

Creating various customer response scenarios

  • Application example
    Create customized response scenarios for each customer when selling insurance and personal banking products, etc
  • Expected effect
    Increase work productivity and drive sales


Upgrade your business with Konan LLM
that encompasses performance, cost-efficiency, and security!

Terms of Service for Konan LLM

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