
Konan Technology's AI Ethics Guidelines share the values and aspirations we aim to achieve through AI technology. We prioritize human values and dignity in the development and use of AI technology. We believe that AI can bring positive changes and advancements to our society. At the same time, we will pay close attention to potential risks and side effects. Accordingly, we present ethical principles to be followed throughout the development and use of AI technology. All members of Konan Technology will adhere to these AI Ethics Guidelines to develop and provide AI technology in an ethical and responsible manner. We will strive to ensure that AI technology enhances our lives and contributes to the realization of social values.

1. Human Rights Protection (AI that Upholds Human Rights)
Konan Technology prioritizes human dignity and value in the development and operation of AI. We exclude all forms of discrimination and design AI to not infringe on user autonomy. We strive to provide fair and respectful experiences for all users and pay close attention to ensure AI does not lead to a decline in individual abilities and creativity. Through this, we aim to protect human rights, strictly adhere to ethical standards, and be a socially responsible company.
2. Privacy Protection (Safe and Trustworthy AI)
Konan Technology complies with privacy protection while developing and operating AI systems and will conduct necessary self-checks in accordance with relevant laws. We ensure that individuals' privacy and freedom are not infringed upon and strive to prevent the misuse of personal information during AI use. We will continuously monitor and improve to prevent potential privacy breaches. In the event of misuse of personal information or a privacy breach, we will do our utmost to protect users according to our privacy policy and privacy breach handling procedures. Through this, we will thoroughly protect the privacy of all users and provide reliable services.
3. Respect for Diversity (AI for Everyone)
Konan Technology will regularly review and improve data to prevent biases and discrimination during the development and operation of AI systems. We will maintain fairness through evaluations by internal experts or external institutions and reflect diverse opinions. Additionally, we will provide education and training opportunities to promptly recognize and respond to potential bias issues that may arise during AI use. By adhering to these ethical standards, we ensure that all users can utilize AI technology fairly.
4. Public Interest (AI that Realizes Social Values)
Konan Technology emphasizes public interest and will make efforts to ensure that AI systems do not represent only the interests of specific individuals or groups and do not harm the public good. We will proactively review and prevent negative impacts such as violence, obscenity, and addiction that may arise from AI use. Additionally, we will continuously strive to have a positive impact on education and the social environment during the development, operation, and use of AI.
5. Accountability (Safe and Reliable AI)
Konan Technology designates an AI Ethics Officer and adheres to AI ethics standards. The AI Ethics Officer will continuously assess the suitability and potential risks in the field of AI development and use.
6. Transparency (Open Communication and Information Disclosure)
Konan Technology will clearly inform users that they are interacting with AI and that the AI system provides outputs based on AI algorithms. Upon request from stakeholders of the AI system, we may provide related information about AI learning while balancing other requirements such as privacy protection. Additionally, we will explain the risks and errors that may arise from using the Service to users.
Supplementary Provision 1 (Privacy Breach Handling Procedure)
I. (Reporting) Anyone who discovers misuse of personal information or a privacy breach in our AI use can report it via the Konan Technology website.
II. (Confirmation of Misuse or Breach) The AI Ethics Officer of Konan Technology will confirm the received reports.
III. (Action) If misuse of personal information or a privacy breach is confirmed, immediate corrective action will be taken in the generative AI products or services, and the corrected products or services will be tested and distributed through the quality management organization.
IV. (Notification of Action Results) The user who reported will be notified of the related action details via email.
Supplementary Provision 2 (AI Ethics Breach Handling Procedure)
V. (Reporting) Anyone who discovers bias, discrimination, or exclusion in our AI use can report it via the Konan Technology website.
VI. (Confirmation of Bias, Discrimination, or Exclusion) The AI Ethics Officer of Konan Technology will confirm the received reports.
VII. (Action) If bias, discrimination, or exclusion is confirmed, immediate corrective action will be taken in the generative AI products or services, and the corrected products or services will be tested and distributed through the quality management organization.
VIII. (Notification of Action Results) The user who reported will be notified of the related action details via email.