
Thank you for using Konan LLM.

Article 1 (Purpose)
These Terms of Service apply to the use of the large language model Konan LLM and related software applications (collectively referred to as “the Service”) supplied by Konan Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”). The purpose of these Terms of Service is to define the rights and obligations between the Company and customers who wish to use the Service and other necessary matters.
Article 2 (Definitions)
“User” refers to the individual using the Service or the company to which the user belongs. “AI Ethics Guidelines” refer to the AI ethical principles written and announced by Konan Technology Co., Ltd. “Output” refers to all results and related materials generated or produced based on the data input by the User while using the Service.
Article 3 (Formation and Effectiveness of the Contract)
The service use contract is established when the User agrees to these Terms and signs the contract with the responsible sales representative.
Article 4 (Service Provision and Cautions)
The Company provides functions that allow the User to generate outputs based on AI technology using the Service. The Company is continuously striving to improve the accuracy, reliability, stability, and usefulness of the Service. Considering the probabilistic nature of machine learning, the Service may sometimes produce results that do not accurately reflect actual facts. By agreeing to the Konan LLM Terms of Service, the User acknowledges the following:
  • The results of this service may not always be accurate. The results of this service should not be relied upon as the sole source of factual information or as a substitute for professional advice.
  • Before utilizing or sharing the results of this service, you should review them for accuracy and appropriateness by yourself.
  • The contents about other individuals included in the deliverables of this service cannot be used for purposes that may have legal consequences or significant impacts on those individuals.
  • The Service may produce results that are incomplete, inaccurate, or offensive and do not represent the views of the Company.
Article 5 (Company’s Obligations)
The Company will publish and adhere to its privacy policy on the Konan Technology website. The Company will take appropriate measures if the User’s opinions or complaints are deemed reasonable and will notify the User of the reasons and schedule for handling them via email or other methods. If immediate handling is difficult, the Company will notify the User of the reasons and schedule via email or other methods. If it is confirmed that the Service’s outputs have the potential to harm human mental or property rights due to unintended use, the Company will notify the User of the reasons and schedule via email or other methods. If significant unforeseen damage occurs or is expected during the use of the Service, the Company will suspend the system to prevent the spread of damage and notify the User of the reasons and schedule via email or other methods. If the Service cannot be provided due to a change in business type, discontinuation of business, or merger between companies, the Company will notify the User via email or other methods.
Article 6 (User’s Obligations)
Users must comply with the matters specified in these Terms, usage guidelines, and notices provided by the Company and must not engage in any activities that interfere with the Company’s operations. The Service must not be used for illegal, harmful, or malicious activities. If violated, the Company may suspend the User’s use of the Service and hold the User liable for damages incurred by the Company due to such actions. Examples of prohibited actions include:
  • Using the Service in a manner that infringes, abuses, or violates the rights of others.
  • Engaging in any activities that attempt to reverse engineer, decompile, or discover the source code or underlying components of the Service’s models, algorithms, systems, or supporting others in such activities.
  • The act of claiming that a deliverable created by a non-human entity was generated by a human.
A checklist for the wise and ethical use of the Service is provided, and Users are encouraged to review it before using the Service.
Article 7 (Compliance and Warranty)
Users must comply with relevant laws and the Company’s AI Ethics Guidelines while using the Service. Any issues arising from non-compliance (including all claims of civil or criminal rights violations and legal breaches) must be resolved by the User at their own expense and effort, and if the Company suffers damage as a result, the User must compensate for all such damages. However, this does not apply if the damage is due to the Company’s fault.
Article 8 (Compensation for Damages)
If the User incurs damage due to the Service provided by the Company, the Company is liable for damages only within the scope of ordinary damages if the damage is due to the Company’s intentional or gross negligence.
Article 9 (Disclaimer)
The Company is not responsible for any service interruptions or damages caused by the User’s fault. Since the outputs of the Service may be influenced by the User’s usage environment, misuse, or other circumstances, the Company does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, appropriateness, validity, or reliability of the outputs. The Company does not guarantee the legality or suitability of the outputs generated by AI during the use of the Service and does not bear responsibility for them. Additionally, the Company is not responsible for the legal, ethical, social, or political impacts resulting from the outputs generated during the User’s use of the Service.
Article 10 (Jurisdiction and Governing Law)
Matters not specified in these Terms shall follow relevant laws and customary practices. If a lawsuit arises regarding service use, the court with jurisdiction over the Company’s headquarters shall be the competent court.
Article 11 (Reporting and Commenting)
If unexpected damage occurs or potential risks or vulnerabilities are discovered during the use of the Service, please fill out the form and notify the email address below or use the reporting page on the Konan Technology website.
[Email address: konan@konantech.com]
When reporting damage, please include the following information:
  • Name of the reporter, affiliation, email address, and phone number
  • Specific reasons for the damage report
  • Materials that can identify the damage case, such as screen capture images
Users can freely provide feedback on Konan LLM during the Service use, and in such cases, please use the reporting page on the Konan Technology website.
Article 12 (Notification Procedure)
For privacy violations, AI ethics violations, obligations under Article 5 of the Service Terms, and damage reports under Article 11, the Company will notify the User by email or, if the content affects all users, post a notice on the Konan Technology website.
The notification procedure is as follows:
  • (Privacy Violation Handling Procedure) Notify the user via email of the registered email address regarding related measures.
  • (AI Ethics Violation Handling Procedure/Article 5 Company’s Obligations and Article 11 Damage Report) Notify the user via email of the registered email address regarding related measures, and if the AI Ethics Officer determines that the content affects all users, post the results on the website’s notice board.
  • (Article 5 Company’s Obligations) If the Company proactively discovers matters under Article 5 of the Company’s obligations, post related measures immediately on the website’s notice board.
Supplementary Provisions
These Terms of Service are effective as of August 17, 2023.