For work-life balance and the health and benefit of its members,
Konan Technology is continuously searching for new ideas.
The company plans to implement even more new systems.
- Work-Life Balance That Brings Immersion and Growth
- Heath & Benefits That Brings Happiness and Wellness

- Flexible Check In & Out System
- Check-in time for 5 days of the week can be selected between 8–10 AM

- Free Dress Code
- A group culture that respects communication and autonomy

- Unrestrained Use of Leave
- No need to write reason for leave; operates half-day system

- Excess Earnings Distribution System
- Provides business performance incentives

- Personnel Recommendation Incentive System
- Up to KRW 3 million

- Patent Incentive System
- Patent incentive provided for patent application or registration related to the employee’s task

- Task Immersion Support
Provides online/offline education support for task capabilities enhancement
Provides actual task-level courses on programming for developers in each field
Provides purchase of books related to work
Provides corporate vehicle
Provides pre-paid meals and monthly company meals
Provides welcome kit to new employees

- Rest Area
- Operates cafeteria and female employees’ rest area

- Welfare Card
- Up to KRW 1.9 million

- Holiday and Birthday Gifts
- Department store vouchers

- Support for Biannual Health Checkup
- Equivalent to insurance fee of KRW 200,000 supported

- Family Event Support System
Supports family event vacations, family event fees, flowers, items, etc.
Separate operation of Employees’ Association

- Certified as Family-Friendly Company
- Guaranteed leave of absence before and after birth, maternal/paternal leave, delivery leave for spouse

- Refresh System for Long-Term Employees
- By years in office
5 years: KRW 4 million + 3 days of special vacation
10 years: KRW 6 million + 7 days of special vacation
15 years: KRW 8 million + 7 days of special vacation
20 years: KRW 10 million + 7 days of special vacation

- Support for Club Activities